Pay YAHS Fees and Tuition

(To pay fees for the YAHS program please go to this page.)

Please note the payment and cancellation policy:

Application Fee: non-refundable (unless student is not accepted to the program)

Before May 1, 2023: fifty percent of first half tuition is refundable; harp rental and shuttle fees are fully refundable

Between May 1 and May 31, 2023: no refund of first half tuition; fifty percent refund on harp rental and shuttle fees; second half tuition is fully refundable.

After June 1, 2023: no refunds of any kind will be given.


Pay this fee upon your acceptance to the YAHS program.


Pay this fee upon your acceptance to the YAHS program.


Pay this fee  by June 1 to complete your YAHS tution payment.


Due by June 1

Type the name of the student you are paying this fee for:


Due by June 1

Type the name of the student you are paying this fee for:


Due by June 1

Type the name of the student you are paying this fee for: