About the YAHS program

About YAHS

(This page is about the two-week YAHS program. For information about the one-week Prep program, see this page.)


Two weeks • July 5–19, 2025


YAHS faculty and guest artists are some of the best harp performers and instructors in the world. 2024 faculty includes:

Susan Bennet Brady

Anastasia Pike

Mallory McHenry

Emily Levin

Ruth Bennett

Find out more about YAHS faculty here.

Tuition and fees


Tuition: $3318

All applicants to YAHS must submit the YAHS application fee. This fee is refundable only if a student is not accepted to the program.

The tuition fee includes:

  • private lessons with a YAHS faculty member. A guest artists’ lesson will also be available for purchase
  • lodging at Washington College, two students per room (lodging is required for all students)
  • all meals
  • supervision of students under age 18

Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from Washington College, and they are responsible for providing or renting their own pedal harps.

Please see the payment schedule and cancellation policy here.

Fees for Additional items:

Rental Harps

Limited rental harps are available for students who are flying to the seminar and cannot bring their own harp. If there are extra harps after all flyers have been accommodated, they will be offered to others first come first served.

If you would like to participate in our rental harp pool: $455 (2024)

If you would like to rent a bench: $38 (2024)

Airport Transportation

We recommend flying into the Philadelphia airport. We will provide shuttle recommendations soon. YAHS will provide an escort for unaccompanied minors if requested. More details to come.

Application requirements

In addition to the application form, there are a number of other things you need to submit to fully apply to YAHS 2025. All of these can be found on our how to apply page.

  • application
  • pay application fee
  • audition/scholarship materials submission
  • teacher recommendation

All of these are due by March 15, 2025. 

Audition requirements

Guidelines for submitting your YAHS audition recording

Audition recordings are required of:

  • Applicants who have never attended YAHS:
  • Any applicant applying for a scholarship, including former students:

Submit the following materials in MP3 format:

New students: two contrasting solos.

YAHS Scholarship: two contrasting pieces, one orchestra excerpt, one etude, one video essay.

Siochi Scholarship: two contrasting pieces, one orchestra excerpt, one etude, one video essay, financial statement.

Do’s and Don’ts of Auditions

  • DO Submit an audition if you are a new YAHS Program applicant or are applying for a scholarship.
  • DON’T submit an audition if you are a returning student who does not plan on applying for a scholarship. We don’t need this from you.
  • DO submit your auditions as an MP3 recording.
  • DON’T submit videos or YouTube links.
  • DO submit recordings that demonstrate your current level with music from the standard solo classical harp repertoire.
  • DON’T submit music from jazz or pop genres for your audition.
  • DO contact our team if you have any questions.

About YAHS Scholarships

YAHS is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities. Scholarships are awarded based on both merit and need. All scholarship requests and materials are due by March, 15, 2025. Scholarship recipients are required to participate fully in the YAHS program—no exceptions for early or late arrival will be made. Scholarship recipients will be notified upon acceptance to the program if any money has been awarded.

The full Siochi Scholarship will be awarded to one student who demonstrates both a serious musical commitment and significant financial need. This scholarship provides complete coverage to attend the full YAHS program and includes: tuition, harp and bench rental, and airport shuttle. The student awarded this scholarship will only need to pay the application fee, their own transportation to the program, and for additional activities they would like to participate in. The Siochi Scholarship is not a work study scholarship.

Several partial work-study scholarships will also be awarded. Work study assignments include things like ushering for concerts, stage managing, setting up for classes, keeping common areas tidy, and helping with other areas of the program.

How to apply for a YAHS scholarship

Applicants who have applied to YAHS in full (including application form, application fee, teacher recommendation, and audition recording by the March 15, 2025 deadline) may also request scholarship assistance. Apply for scholarships using the YAHS Audition Materials and Scholarship Application form.

If you are a returning YAHS student applying for scholarship, you must submit all the normal application materials (two solos, teacher recommendation) as well as the additional materials.

In addition to the regular application materials, scholarship applicants must also submit:

Additional Audition Materials

In addition to the two contrasting solos required to apply to YAHS, additional audio audition recordings are mandatory of all scholarship applicants, even if you have attended YAHS in the past. If you are applying for a scholarship, please include the following audio audition materials in addition to the two contrasting solos:

  • An etude demonstrating your current level of ability
  • One or more orchestral excerpts
  • any optional additional solos

Video Essay

For scholarship, you also need to submit a video essay. Your video essay should be no longer than two minutes and should describe to the YAHS scholarship committee why you are requesting a scholarship. Video essays should be uploaded as a private link to YouTube that will only be shared with the YAHS scholarship committee. Please include the following:

  1. Introduce yourself; name, age, and harp background.
  2. Tell us why you want to come to the Young Artist’s Harp Seminar.
  3. Tell us three things you love about playing the harp.
  4. Tell us briefly how financial assistance in the form of a scholarship to YAHS would be of value to your family (not required for GrowthXel Foundation Scholarship applicants).

Financial Statement (Siochi applicants only)

To be considered for the Siochi scholarship, you must submit everything above and also a financial statement that describes your specific financial need. This can either be provided in the application where you have space to write, or uploaded as a file to the application.


Do you have questions? Email us.

Additional information

Theory Class Explained:

All YAHS participants complete a comprehensive theory test prior to arrival at the seminar to either test out of theory class, or be separated in Theory Level 1, or Theory Level 2. If a student tests out of Theory, they will be placed in an elective class or rewarded with extra practice time.

Theory Level 1 covers basic theory instruction such as:

  • Reading the Grand Staff & Ledger Lines
  • Intervals and Enharmonics
  • Simple and Compound Meter
  • Beat Duration

Theory Level 2 covers intermediate theory instruction such as:

  • Key Signatures
  • The Circle of Fifths
  • Major, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished Intervals
  • Scale & Chord Qualities
  • Pedal Charts

18+ has a different experience

Our 18+ participants have a different experience at YAHS. In their free time, they are allowed to travel into town and experience their own excursions. They also have a later lights out time, as well are allowed to bring and keep a vehicle on campus. Our 18+ are eligible for work study, which means in return with assisting our staff with harp moving, tuning, and other tasks–they could be be awarded a portion of tuition. Our 18+ have the opportunity to experience all the tutelage provided at YAHS, while still being recognized as young adults in the field.

What skills do our students walk away with?

YAHS does have an annual curriculum that all students experience and benefit from. Something special about YAHS is that some faculty may rotate years of attendance, and our Guest Artist changes every year. Our Faculty and Guest Artist are tasked with providing classes and workshops specific to their niche strength in the field.

YAHS Regular Curriculum:

  • Performance & Audience Etiquette
  • Harp Ensemble
  • Introduction to Orchestral Excerpts and Cadenzas
  • Mock Audition
  • Private Lessons on Solo Repertoire
  • The Harp as a Profession

Sampling of YAHS Special Workshops (2024):

  • Body Mapping
  • What does it mean to be a Principal Harpist?
  • Diversify your repertoire
  • How our brain affects practicing
  • Mental Health in Music
International students

YAHS welcomes applications from students residing outside the U.S., and we will do everything possible to help international students have a positive, enriching experience while visiting our country. The Young Artist’s Harp Seminar and Competition has welcomed harpists from Asia, Europe, Central America, and Canada. Most of our international students have found YAHS to be the perfect place to hone both their music and English skills.

New this year we will be providing immediate acceptance for International students so that there is plenty of time to acquire a visa. Note: Notification of scholarship awards will not take place until after the March 15 application deadline.

Communication and translation

The official language at YAHS is English. Students are not required to be fully fluent in English, however they must be able to communicate basic needs to the instructors and counselors in English. A basic understanding of musical terms in English is also necessary. YAHS can provide some translation assistance during the application process, however once at YAHS students should be prepared to experience minimal or no translation assistance. Whenever possible, students will be assigned roommates with similar language skills.


We recommend getting started on your VISA application and flight arrangements immediately upon acceptance to YAHS. Accommodations can be made if you need to arrive early to the seminar.

Students traveling alone

YAHS will provide an escort for international minors traveling alone.

Students traveling with a parent or guardian

If you are an international student traveling with a parent or guardian, you will be responsible for your own transportation to Washington College. Dormitory housing at YAHS is available for students only, however there are many nearby lodging options for parents.


Do you have questions? Email us.

Apply to YAHS

Start your 2025 application

Get your application started today in three easy steps.

1.  Create an account on the Harp Seminar website.

2. Submit the application form (available January 1, 2025). 

3. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to the application fee payment page.

Audition materials and teacher recommendations are required for all new applicants. You can submit these anytime before March 15, 2025.

YAHS is so much more than a harp seminar. Students enjoy training in Music Theory, Musician’s Mental Health, Body Mapping, and Exposure to the modern professional life of a practicing musician. 

For teachers

teacher recommendation

Submit this form (available January 1) to recommend your student for the program and/or a scholarship award to our YAHS Division this summer. (To recommend a student for the one-week Prep program for lever or pedal harp, please use this form.)

Thank you for encouraging your student to attend the Young Artist’s Harp Seminar! For their scholarship application to be considered, please note the deadline to submit your teacher recommendations is March 15, 2025. 

help your student prepare for YAHS

To fully benefit from their intensive harp study at the Young Artist’s Harp Seminar, students are expected to come prepared with the following materials:

  • Two recital pieces ready to perform (Memorization of recital pieces is strongly encouraged but not mandatory)
  • At least one additional solo piece in-progress
  • Two prepared orchestral excerpts
  • At least one additional solo piece in-progress
  • Preparation of harp ensemble music. (A comprehensive list of music to purchase and part assignments will be sent well in advance of the seminar.)
  • etudes (optional)

We appreciate your support in helping your student meet these preparation goals. Please contact us if you have any questions about these preparation requirements.

Submit YAHS application forms

(These forms are for applying to the two-week YAHS program.
To apply or recommend a student for the one-week Prep program, see this page.)

YAHS application form

Begin application

Contact Information

YAHS communication is done solely via email. Provide an accurate email address that you check regularly where we can send important information. YAHS only sends correspondences to one email address; the one provided here. Please be sure to use an address that you check frequently and will be valid through July.
Student cell phone numbers will be used for minimal texting for deadline alerts and communication before and during the seminar.
Please use an address that will be current through July 2025.
This phone number will only be used for emergencies.
This phone number will only be used for emergencies.

About You

What are your preferred pronouns?
Anticipated major is welcomed too.
Please note: If you are driving, you should plan to bring your own harp. Rental harps in our harp pool system are limited and priority is given to international students and others flying to YAHS. If extra harps become available, we will offer them to drivers.
Check your preference of Harp Ensemble or Chamber Ensemble:

Music Information and Background

Please choose an option to describe your music reading skills. Be honest in your assessment as this will help us get to know you better.
Competitions, auditions, awards?
Read the information on the Apply to YAHS page for more information about scholarship requirements.


List two references other than your family or your harp teacher that know you well. Tell us how you know them and provide contact information.

Pay Application Fee

After you submit this form, you will be taken to a page to pay your application fee online securely using Paypal. All payments must be done online; do not send checks or money orders. Note: If you are not redirected, it means that your form was not properly submitted. Click the application form tab again to check for error messages.

YAHS Audition and Scholarship Application

Begin my audition/scholarship application

2025 YAHS Audition and Scholarship Application

This form is due March 15, 2025. Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3. YAHS audition (non-scholarship): two contrasting solos. Partial work-study scholarships: two contrasting pieces, one orchestra excerpt, one etude, one video essay. Siochi Scholarship: two contrasting pieces, one orchestra excerpt, one etude, one video essay, and financial statement.

Audition Recording

Please upload your audio recordings here following the guidelines for audition recordings on the button to the right. There are 4 spaces provided. You may not need them all.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

(Optional extra solo, etude, or excerpt.) Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

(Optional extra solo, etude, or excerpt.) Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3.

YAHS Scholarship Application

(Read more about scholarship requirements on the About YAHS page.)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: namecomposertitle.mp3.
Please submit your video essay here. Videos should be no longer than 2 minutes including the following information:
This section may be completed by parents as applicable. Submit pertinent information here about your current family financial situation. Include any information that may be beneficial to our decision. Income tax returns are not required, but we do trust that you will give us an honest representation of your financial situation and why a full scholarship is necessary.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please name your recorded submissions in the following format: NameSiochiFinancialStatement.mp3.

YAHS teacher recommendation

Begin recommendation

Contact Information


What is your student's level of comfort on a pedal harp? *
Please address level of playing, musicality and rhythm.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about their participation and preparation.

Pay application fee

Payment links will be available in January.

YAHS application fee

Due upon application submission

Choose this option to pay the application fee for the two-week YAHS program.

Please note: the application fee is refundable only if  the applicant is not accepted to the YAHS program. Should you choose not to follow through with the application process, or decide not to attend YAHS after being accepted, you will forfeit the application fee.

(If you are applying to the Prep division or if you live outside the US or Canada please choose a different application fee.)


Name of the student you are paying this fee for: