Apply to YAHS 

Start Your 2024 Application

Get your application started today in three easy steps.

1.  Create an account on the Harp Seminar website.

2. Submit the following application form.

3. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to the application fee payment page.

Audition materials and teacher recommendations are required for all new applicants. You can submit these anytime before March 15, 2024.



Contact Information

YAHS Communication is done solely via email. Provide an accurate email address that you check regularly where we can send important information. YAHS only sends correspondences to one email address; the one provided here. Please be sure to use an address that you check frequently and will be valid through July.
Student cell phone numbers will be used for minimal texting for deadline alerts and communication before and during the seminar.
Please use an address that will be current through July 2024.
This phone number will only be used for emergencies.
This phone number will only be used for emergencies.

About You

What are your preferred pronouns?
Anticipated major is welcomed too.
Please note: If you are driving, you should plan to bring your own harp. Rental harps in our harp pool system are limited and priority is given to international students and others flying to YAHS. If extra harps become available, we will offer them to drivers.
Check your preference of Harp Ensemble or Chamber Ensemble:

Music Information and Background

Please choose an option to describe your music reading skills. Be honest in your assessment as this will help us get to know you better.
Competitions, auditions, awards?
Read the information on the About YAHS page for more information about scholarship requirements.


List two references other than your family or your harp teacher that know you well. Tell us how you know them and provide contact information.

Pay Application Fee

After you submit this form, you will be taken to a page to pay your application fee online securely using Paypal. All payments must be done online; do not send checks or money orders. Note: If you are not redirected, it means that your form was not properly submitted. Click the application form tab again to check for error messages.