Ergonomics at the Harp

Instructor: Angela Schwarzkopf Did you know we are all athletes? Let’s talk about how we use our body at the harp and how we can sit safely to ensure we will all be playing harp until we are 100!  To prepare for class: Harp needed.

Reading Between the Lines: Playing “Musically”

Instructor: Katherine Siochi Have you ever been told to play something “more musically?” What does this even mean? We talk about this concept a lot but rarely are we given a clear definition. When people say this they’re referring to going beyond...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Concert Hall

Instructor: Ellie Kirk A Practical and Essential Look at Programming and the Harp World We will delve into why and how we can create more equitable and informed programs at every level. This will include practical repertoire recommendations and open discussions about...