We couldn’t help but notice Young Artist’s Harp Seminar alumni in some recent harp studio pictures we spotted online. Check out some of the top programs where you can find our alumni playing these days.
(Do you have alumni news we should know about? Email us!)
Vanderbilt University
Ruth Boyajian, second from left (YAHS 2009-11), and Amy Thompson, center (YAHS 2008-9 and 2013), are members of the Vanderbilt University harp studio, where they study with Marian Shaffer. (Photo courtesy of Marian Shaffer.)
Interlochen Arts Academy
Naomi Sutherland, far left (YAHS 2013-14), Margaret Foster, second from right (YAHS 2013 and 2015), and Felicity White, far right (YAHS 2011-12 and 2015) attend high school at Interlochen Arts Academy where they study with Joan Raeburn Holland. Also pictured, Juanito Riveros, second from right.
(Photo courtesy of Interlochen Center for the Arts.)
Curtis Institute of Music
Heloise Carlean-Jones, far left (YAHS 2010-11 and 2013), Abigail Kent, second from left (2014 Young Artist’s Harp Competition third prize Emerging Artist Division winner), and Anna Odell, second from right (YAHS 2005 and 2009), are members of the Salzedo Harp Ensemble at the Curtis Institute of Music, where they study with Elizabeth Hainen, center. Also pictured, Helen Gerhold, far right.
(Photo courtesy of Heloise Carlean-Jones.)
Katherine Siochi, front right (YAHS 2006-08 and 2010), Madeline Olson, back second from right (YAHS 2008-09), and Katy Wong, back left (2012 Young Artist’s Harp Competition first prize Emerging Artist Division winner), are members of the Juilliard harp department, where they study with Nancy Allen, front left.
(Photo courtesy of Katherine Siochi).
Anya Garipoli, far left (YAHS 2010-12 and 2015), Jeannette Chen, second from right (YAHS 2009 and 2012), and Ina McCormick, third from left (2008 Young Artist’s Harp Competition New Artist Division finalist) are members of the Oberlin harp studio, where they study with YAHS 2015 Guest Artist Yolanda Kondonassis, center.
(Photo courtesy of Ina McCormick.)
Indiana University
Natalie Hoffmann, front second from left (YAHS 2008-08 and 2012), and Carrie Anderson, front center (YAHS 2013) attend Indiana University, where they study with Susan McDonald (back second from right) and Elzbieta Szmyt (back far left).
(Photo courtesy of Elzbieta Szmyt.)